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Suffolk Developers - Build your Appsec for a penny

The Talk:

The number of cyberattacks is increasing every month, which is a clear signal there is something wrong with how we are doing security. There are many companies that offer out-of-the-box solutions for a big pile of cash. Unfortunately, small companies or start-ups often can not afford to pay that money.

Luckily, we have various open source tools that can be as good as commercial tools. In this talk, I will focus on showing what kind of open source tools and practices can be beneficial for companies that want to increase security of their applications.

The talk will cover roles like:

✔ Security champion
✔ Processes like threat modelling
✔ Tools like SAST, DAST and SCA

About Wojciech Cichon:

I'm Developer who works for Aegon UK. I'm interested in various aspects of Cybersecurity. I'm an OWASP member, and founder of OWASP Suffolk chapter. Due to my interests, I became a Security Champion. I'm a member of the team that was introducing solutions to secure SDLC for our projects.

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