Abi Turner
Subcommittee Leader - Innovation
Abi, founder of All About Users, specialises in supporting user experience (UX) design for businesses, from startups right the way through to large corporates. She provides research and design expertise of the end-user interaction with a company, its products and its services.
Her job is to stop customers from having to think about using something. In fact, great experiences should be invisible. Think about the noise of the shutter sound on your phone when you’re taking a picture. That was her idea from the 90’s when she was working with BT & Nokia on defining 3G mobile experiences. There’s no physical shutter, but the sound tells you the picture has been successfully taken.
Why is user experience important businesses? Effective UX design increases sales, increases customer retention, boosts referrals, lowers support costs and it’s also proven to reduce development costs of building the wrong features or fixing usability issues. Abi takes an evidence-based approach, initially gathering any business data, analytics and metrics to identify impacts to your business and provides opportunities on how to solve them.