SIMS - Cracking the conversion conundrum
We would like to thank Kate Everett for delivering her talk to our SIMS group.
The Talk:
What happens when your web traffic isn't converting. If you have a complex sales process, traditionally long lead time, or a high-value product or service you need more on the page experience. Find out how we cracked the conversion conundrum using creative thinking and new technology.
What we will cover:
✔ Content marketing
✔ User analytics
✔ Lead conversion
✔ Chatbots
About Kate Everett:
Kate Everett is the Managing Partner of TWI, a full-service marketing and communications company based on the Essex/Suffolk border. The business, founded in 2008 works with clients in the UK and US and sectors including tech, energy, process engineering and education.
Sit back and watch Kate in action.