We're back with our first face to face event since lockdown.
Beyond Scrum.
For over twenty years now agilists have relied upon a purposefully incomplete framework based upon the Scrum Guide. The Scrum Guide states that only defines the parts required to implement Scrum theory. It is not intended to instruct teams how to become agile.
When mobilizing novice agile teams, I noticed that the practice areas where they were having difficulty were exactly the topics where Scrum is purposefully incomplete, ways of working, agile quality and team behaviour. I analysed the Scrum ceremonies and realized that in some instances these were causing issues not due to the ceremony but due to team psychology and timing.
This talk will describe how going back to basic systems theory, the use of lean and behavioural science has resulted in a new agile framework suitable for software and non-software agile teams. Using Dr. Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge has provided a structure for team learning and performance improvement.
Following this talk participants will be able to run some small experiments with their Scrum Teams to enable them to judge for themselves if there is opportunities for performance improvement Beyond Scrum.
About Jon Ward
Jon Ward lives in Walberswick, Suffolk, England with his Russian wife, Tatiana.
Jon is currently coaching an agile transformation in a six thousand people technology function of a tier-one global bank. Previously he was Enterprise agile coach for five thousand employees in an international telecoms firm. Jon has worked in Change Management for over thirty years. Initially, on leaving college as an apprentice, Jon was responsible for redesigning manual administrative processes used in the manufacture of components for Concorde and the Harrier jumpjet. More recently, using similar techniques, Jon has been accountable for transformational agile change in financial services organisations.
Jon regularly writes thought leadership articles, has authored two books and created the Agile Lineout framework.
COVID-19 safety measures
Please note the event will be indoors and masks will be required upon entry to the building.